Council for National Policy
BoJo Style Fascism
Rolling Stone magazine, the impeachment of President
Clinton was plotted in 1997 at a Montreal meeting of the Council
for National Policy. The "vast right-wing conspiracy" can be
traced substantially to the CNP as its central planning
The secretive group was founded in 1981 by BoJo alumnus
Tim LaHaye and billionaires
Nelson Bunker
Cullen Davis
(all John Birch Society members). CNP's
membership numbers in the hundreds and constitutes
virtual who's who of the Hard Right. Examples in no
particular order are listed below:
"There is really only one sound, overriding purpose for
political participation, and that is to fulfill our
Biblically mandated office to be elders in the gates,
even as we are mindful that civil government represents
only one area of governance with God's Kingdom...Yes,
there IS a special role for CIVIL government. As spelled
out in the Book of Romans -- it is to be a ministry of
justice and a terror to evildoers. I do not propose that
civil government can ever be an instrument of
salvation. That is a matter of grace and faith."
-- Howard Phillips in a speech quoted
here |
Bob Jones III |
} |
BoJos one and all |
Tim LaHaye |
Beverly LaHaye |
Edwin Meese |
Former U. S. Attorney General |
Donald L. Folkers |
L. L. Bean |
Gary Bauer |
Family Research Council; Presidential Candidate |
John R. Bolton |
U. N.
Ambassador |
Phyllis Schafly |
Eagle Forum |
Tommy Thompson |
Secretary of Health & Human Services |
Richard Viguerie |
Fund-Raiser for right-wing causes |
John K. Singlaub |
} |
Of Iran-Contra fame |
Oliver North |
Tom DeLay |
former Majority Whip, U.S. House of Rep. |
Pat Robertson |
} |
Televangelists |
Jerry Falwell |
Nelson Bunker Hunt |
Billionaire; once gave $1 million to the Moral Majority |
Trent Lott |
Republican Senator |
Richard DeVos |
Amway Corp. |
Paige Patterson |
Engineered fundamentalist take-over of
Southern Baptist Convention |
John Belk |
Belk's Department Stores |
Dan Burton |
Congressman who repeatedly
investigated Clinton |
Donald Wildmon |
American Family Association |
Richard Schoff |
Lincoln Log Homes; reputed former KKK
leader in Indiana |
Howard Phillips |
Presidential candidate, U. S. Taxpayers Party |
Jeffrey &Joseph Coors |
Coors Beer family |
D. James Kennedy |
} |
"Christian nation"
theocracy zealots |
R. J. Rushdoony |
predict that one day before the end of this century the
Council [for National Policy] will be so influential
that no President, regardless of party or philosophy,
will be able to ignore us or our concerns or shut us out
of the highest levels of government." [In October,
1999 George W. Bush addressed the CNP. His campaign
refused to released the text of his remarks.] --
Woody Jenkins as quoted in Newsweek, 1981; later elected
to Congress. |
In addition to the numerous
high-level Republicans who hold CNP membership, the
organization's Executive Director, Morton C. Blackwell, is
himself a member of the Republican National Committee.
CNP not only coordinates the
political strategies of various religious right groups, it also
serves as a conduit for ultra-conservative cash. The Heritage
Foundation, Free Congress Foundation, Christian Voice, Concerned
Women for America, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council,
Christian Coalition, Federalist Society, Focus on the Family,
and many others all work with and through CNP, channeling and
receiving money according the CNP's coordinated and secretive
political agenda. Not surprisingly, many of these groups'
leaders maintain membership in CNP.
George W. Bush is president
because the Supreme Court voted along party lines. At least two Justices, Scalia and Thomas,
are members of the Federalist Society, a CNP-affiliated group. Shortly after taking office, Bush
announced he would end the American Bar Association's role
in pre-screening federal judicial nominees. Candidates will now be
screened by the Federalist
Society. I believe the
Supreme Court installed Bush, not merely as a
power-grab for the presidency, but equally as a power-grab
for their own judicial branch -- to insure that federal
judicial appointees will, for the foreseeable future, be
arch-conservatives. |
The BoJo - Moonie - Scientology
Connection |
In 1995 a group called
Parents Involved in Education held a news conference
in Washington, D.C. on the issue of children, schools,
and psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin. This media
event was organized by Carolyn Steinke, who sits on
the board of the
Citizens Council for Human Rights, an
admittedly Scientology-affiliated group. That same
year Steinke received an
award from CCHR.
Hypocrisy alert #1:
Participants in Steinke's news
conference included (among others) Beverly LaHaye's
Concerned Women for America, Phyllis Scafly's the
Eagle Forum, Gary Bauer's Family Research Council, and
the Rutherford Institute. These groups are all
affiliated with CNP and their leaders also hold CNP
membership. As does Bob Jones III.
Hypocrisy alert #2: Has Jones disavowed these Scientology-mongers and
withdrawn from CNP? No.
Hypocrisy alert #3: Has Jones repudiated Beverly LaHaye as he has, for
example, repudiated gay alumni? No.
Hypocrisy alert #4: Has Jones threatened to have LaHaye arrested if she
returns to the BoJo campus in spite of the school's
warnings that alumni who make common cause with cults
are unwelcome? There is no indication that he has.
Hypocrisy alert #5: Turning now to Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification
Church, the PBS show
Frontline reports that Dr. Robert Grant of the
American Freedom
has accepted Moonie money for his group. In fact, it is reported that the AFC
is just
one of many front groups for the Unification
Church. Moon is also believed to have
bailed out Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in
the early 90's when the school was millions in debt.
Even BoJo's most prominent alumni, Tim and Beverly
LaHaye, have taken Moonie money and served as Moon
functionaries according to
this Christian website. Grant, Falwell, and the
LaHayes are CNP members. And so is Bob III.
Hypocrisy alert #6: Bob Jones, Jr. labeled Falwell
"the most dangerous
man in America" and claimed that his Moral Majority,
by including Catholics, Mormons and Jews, would lead
to the "one world church of Antichrist." (An Island
in the Lake of Fire, p.108). But Bob III has not
let this dissuade him from joining Falwell in the CNP
-- an organization composed of Catholics, Jews,
Mormons, and supporters of Scientology and the
Hypocrisy alert #7: The justification given for BoJo's interracial
dating ban, before it was eliminated, was that racial
mixing could lead eventually to a one-world government
of the antichrist (a dubious cause-and-effect
connection at best). Yet Jones embraces CNP's
agenda and makes common cause with a conspiratorial clique of
theocrats, plutocrats, globalists, and
billionaires. This fascist cabal, with Bush at the helm, is
implementing its New World Order under our very noses
-- but have you heard one peep from Bob about the
danger of a one-world, antichrist government arising
from from this? Of course not.
Hypocrisy alert #8: And finally, have you heard any apology from
Bob for his blithe communion with Scientology and
Moonie sympathizers, given that he's made a career of castigating others
for their ecumenical associations,
political beliefs, sexual orientation, and other
peccadilloes? Hell no. If there is an anti-christ, no
doubt Bob is on a first-name basis with him in the CNP.