Smote Wid de Sode ob de Lawd!
Adventures in Fundamentalist Literature

            Now chillun, I'ze gwine ter show y'all sumpin dat'll sho-nuff bake yo' taters. Yassuh, back in de day when I be a-studyin' wid de BoJos, dey done sold me a copy ob De Sode ob de Lawd Scrapbook. De Sode ob de Lawd, dey de fine white-folks dat made dis-heah book. (In fac', dey still be makin' 'em today!) So I'ze plumb tickled to show y'all some ob de writin' in dat-dere book. Git ready now, 'cause I'ze 'bout ter smite y'all wid de Sode ob de Lawd!




Mo' Fine Litracher from "De Sode ob de Lawd"


Adultery and Sex Perversion - "shows God's attitude towards loose living & the 'free sex' of the fast crowd"

Beware of Herpes, The New Scarlet Monster - "VD is no mere coincidence"

Giving Your Way to Prosperity - sequel to "Fornicating Your Way to Virginity"?

Guys and Gals - "find out how to enjoy a hot date without playing with fire"

Liquid Devil! - "a monster is loose causing our nation to crumble at the foundation"

Rebellious Wives & Slacker Husbands - sounds like something from the bargain bin of a XXX bookstore

The Truth About the Homosexuals - by someone who wouldn't get within 10 miles of one

The Bible, the Feminists & Sexual Harassment - old fart explains: barefoot & pregnant is best

The Taming of the Teenager - "we have been sold a bill of goods by the brainwashed psychologists"

Bobbed Hair, Bossy Wives & Women Preachers - we're agin 'em

The Truth About Rock Music - causes demonic toe-tapping & Satanic jimmy-legs


"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."  -- Blaise Pascal

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