My, have I gotten a lot of neat questions! Here are the highlights:
- Is physical contact between the sexes permitted?
- A: Not on the general campus. It is an unwritten--and still upheld!--tradition that couples shall not display overt physical contact: hand-holding, hugging, kissing, arms around each other's shoulders, etc. However, on dating outings and other rare occasions, the hand-holding regulation is easily suspended. For example, it's assumed and expected that a gentleman may offer his arm to a lady during the rare icy days on campus. While outside, of course! But don't get carried away, literally or figuratively. Jessica was called down, but not "penalized," when I led her by the arm to her dormitory after a spring opera. I was not a student at the time, and it was my bright (dumb) idea.
- May dorm student couples date off-campus?
- Yes, but "certain restrictions apply." The major items are:
- undergraduate students under 23 must be chaperoned by a woman or a married couple. The chaperone must be faculty, staff, or graduate students of BJU.
3 hour time limit per off-campus date, unless the woman's parents are chaperoning: in which case, this time limit is lifted. If the man's parents are chaperoning, the 3 hour limit still applies.Note! This restriction was dropped as of the 1999-2000 school year.- the location must be specified and approved in advance by the Dean's Office.
- it is assumed that you will abide by all standard BJU social regulations while off-campus.
May a dorm student's visiting parents chaperone a date?- A: Yes.
If "her" parents are chaperoning, the 3 hour time limit is waived.The 3 hour time limit is now dropped.
- What about dating on-campus?
- A: There are various places around campus that are chaperoned--excuse me, hosted--and available during most class hours and in the evenings: The Student Center, Social Parlor, and Snack Shop are the most obvious. Ball games and other events are dating activities as well.
- Isn't this too restrictive? How do you really get to know someone if you can't, well, really get to know them? (Wink-wink, nudge-nudge!)
- A: Reality Check: The root goal of dating, regardless of other motivations or objectives, is to find a mate. You will be marrying an entire person--not a body. It is far more important to determine the spiritual condition and character of a person than to find out if they're great at "making out." The marital physical relationship will wax and wane during a lifetime of marriage; the character of the people in the relationship will be quite consistent and will be what you're really "living with."
For a detailed inside look at dating "seriously" at BJU, please see the sidebar on BJU Marriages.
- What was your dating relationship with Jessica like?
- It was... unique. We met during my senior year--her freshman year. After graduation, I stayed in the Greenville area and we continued dating. We were both required to follow standard dormitory student guidelines. Off-campus dates were chaperoned, and Jessica had a 10:30 curfew. We spent a lot of time in the Dating Parlor. (See the Lingo List.)
- You mean that you--as a 23-year-old graduate--dated as if you were a dorm student for another 3 years?
- Yes, in addition to the five years I attended BJU.
- Why?
- Because Jessica was worth the wait! We're spending the rest of our lives together now, and we've more than made up for the years of waiting! (wink-wink, nudge nudge!)
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