Robert John DeBoer, Jr.

Photo of Bob DeBoer aboard 'More Life'

Born: January 1, 1943 Died: August 14, 2000

Editor's note: The part about BJU students cheering at Kennedy's assassination is quoted below. For Robert DeBoer's full autobiography and story, click here.

Even while I was at Bob Jones University, I was sensing a growing disillusionment with fundamentalism. Primarily it was the hypocrisy and "know it all" attitude of those involved. Everything is black or white and no room for interpretation, differences, or diversity in what you thought and how you lived. The experience is stifling to ones own uniqueness to say the least. Another defining attitude which stemmed from this intolerance was an egotistical scorn and hatred of anyone who took a different position than the BJU line. Even Jerry Falwell was considered a liberal, can you believe? One of the defining moments for me came when President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. I was stunned by this, we weren't allowed to watch any of the coverage, and when it was announced to the student body at the evening meal, the students applauded. I didn't care so much as to what a man's politics were, he was our president and deserves the honor afforded the office. They would not even lower the flag to half mast for the thirty day mourning period. This was my first exposure to the intolerance and hatred which was generated by fundamentalist teaching and rhetoric.