BoJo Hate Fest
Jesus Made Hell for Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Mormons, Wiccans, Gays

:: BLACKS ::

Jones Sr.
Bob Jones, Sr.
"I would rather see a saloon on every corner than a Catholic in the White House.  I would rather see a nigger as presiden

"God is the author of segregation."


Bob Jones, Jr.
"Blacks aren't attracted to fundamentalism, and they
don't  like discipline."

"We will not lower our school's flag for an apostate!"
[Commenting on LBJ's order that flags be lowered to half staff following
the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Bob Jones III

"When you date interracially or marry interracially it
cuts you off from people."

"(A) Negro is best when he serves at the table. When he  does that, he's doing what he knows how to do best. And the Negroes who have ascended to positions in government, in education, this sort of thing, I think you'll find, by and large, have a strong strain of white blood in them. Now, I'm not a racist and this school is not a racist institution. I  can't stress that enough. But what I say is purely what I have been taught, and what I have been able to study is the teaching of the Scripture." 

 [Jones is referring to the so-called  "Curse of Ham"]



"There is to be no interracial dating. 

1. Students who are partners in an interracial marriage will be expelled. 

2. Students who are members of or affiliated with any group 
or organization which holds as one of its goals or advocates interracial marriage will be expelled. 

3. Students who date outside of their own race will be expelled. 

4. Students who espouse, promote, or encourage others to violate 
the University's dating rules and regulations will be expelled."

-- Disciplinary rule quoted in Bob Jones University vs. U.S.

See also:



Jones Sr.
Bob Jones, Sr.
"I would rather see a saloon on every corner than a Catholic in the White House.  I would rather see a nigger as presiden


Bob Jones, Jr.
"[Catholicism is] not another Christian denomination. It is a satanic counterfeit, an ecclesiastic tyranny over the souls of men....It is the old harlot of the book of the Revelation -- 'the Mother of Harlots.'"

"Pope Paul VI, archpriest of Satan, a deceiver and an anti-christ, has, like Judas, gone to his own place. [commenting on the pope's death]

"All the popes are demon possessed."

More: Anti-Catholic Whoppers

"Translated by Queers"


Bob Jones III
In a statement on the school's website, Bob Jones III
described Catholicism and Mormonism as
"cults which call themselves Christian."

[Bob Jones III calling someone else's religion a "cult" is like
 North Korea calling Switzerland a "rogue state."


Ian Paisley
Ian Paisley
     BoJo has maintained a decades-long association with Ian Paisley of Northern Ireland, a Member of Parliament and arguably the most outspoken and vitriolic anti-Catholic on earth.  A Paisley sermon is a stunning encounter with pure hatred. 

According to The Nation magazine (article: "Troubles Titanic" by Christopher Hitchens, 1997), Paisley's newsletter used to carry the "segregationist ravings" of former Gov. Lester Maddox of Georgia. And the website of Paisley's own church reports that in 1988 he was beaten senseless by Catholics when he interrupted a public appearance of John Paul II by shouting and holding up an "antichrist" sign. Another time at a "horse fair," Paisley is said to have hurled a Bible at another minister. 

When Paisley was denied a visa to enter the U.S. in 1981 for a speaking engagement at the school, Bob III reportedly prayed that God would smite Secretary of State Al Haig!  

In 2000, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) released a letter signed by several congressmen calling on BoJo to sever its ties with Paisley, whom the lawmakers accused of doing "his utmost to stir up sectarian violence between Protestants and Catholics."

Ian Paisley - Professional Bigot

:: GAYS ::

"If you wish to be arrested for trespassing, your wish will be granted if you come to the campus. Wayne, sin has hardened you; it has turned you into another person. You are shaking your fist in the face of God ."
[from an unsolicited letter to an alumnus who is gay]

gay patch


coffeeBoJo Bans Starbucks Coffee As Pro-Gay!  
Excerpt from The Greenville News dated February 18, 2006

"As of Tuesday, Starbucks coffee will no longer be served as wake-up juice at Greenville's Bob Jones University.

BJU spokesman Jonathan Pait said the school's constituency began to object to Starbucks' stance on gays several months ago. More objections came lately, he said.

'They were supportive of homosexual events and causes,' he said. 'That would be a problem for our constituency.' The issue surfaced from quotes on a coffee cup Starbucks sells from a man who supports a gay lifestyle.

The university has a longstanding stance against homosexuality." 


Matt in Hell
This image of Matthew Sheppard "burning in hell" is from the execrable God Hates Fags website, run by former BoJo student, Fred Phelps. For your Christian listening pleasure,
you can also hear Matt "scream in hell."

See also: 

:: JEWS ::

Former Greenville, S.C. Mayor Max Heller:
[As quoted in The Beat]

"...I organized a prayer breakfast. I went to the ministerial alliance and said I thought the community needed to be united and one way was to have a prayer breakfast with all religions. All I'm asking is that we have services where everyone can participate. It was a complete sell-out, but when I got to the hotel on Church Street there were pickets from Bob Jones University, about thirty young men with placards, How Can You Follow a Man Who Doesn't Believe in Christ and a sign that said The Mayor is the Devil in Sheep's Clothes and things like that."

BoJos to Greenville:


   Meet Gary Hedrick (see photo), BoJo alumnus and president of the Christian Jew Foundation. CJF seeks to convert Jews to Christianity by convincing them that, as Christians, they will be more Jewish than before! 

ShofarThe term "Christian Jew" is an oxymoron.  You might as well say "Buddhist Baptist" or "Moslem Mormon."  According to Jews for Judaism, one cannot be both a Jew and a Christian at the same time. One must adhere to Judaism to be a Jew. Jewishness is not a matter of ethnicity (Remember Sammy Davis, Jr.?) but rather of faith. The Jewish and Christian faiths are mutually exclusive, just as atheism and Christianity are mutually exclusive.  What could be more absurd than a "Christian Atheists Foundation"? 

Attempts to convert Jews by convincing them that they can still be Jewish after professing Christianity is misguided at best, and at worst it's intellectually corrupt and spiritually dishonest.

Hedrick writes: "Gentile Christians sometimes wonder why Jewish evangelism is such difficult and discouraging work. Our missionaries are spat on, ridiculed, threatened, maligned, and sometimes physically abused...We wonder, why are the sons of Israel so belligerent and hard-hearted? As we look at Jews today, we see that they are blinded by tradition; they are blinded by prejudice; and they are blinded by self-righteousness."

Being called blind, tradition-bound, prejudiced, and self-righteous by a BoJo is like being called an undead, sun-averse, bloodsucking, nightcrawler by a vampire.

Maybe these wingnuts encounter difficulty and discouragement because the messiah is a prophecy of Judaism, and Jews know that Jesus neither fulfilled the prophecies nor embodied the personal qualifications necessary for the messiah.


     "Thousands of private Christian schools and Christian home schools utilize anti-Semitic textbooks. These textbooks include the 'original' McGuffey's Readers, which have enjoyed a tremendous resurgence in recent years, and books published by
Bob Jones University Press...."

[From Anti-Semitism: It's Prevalence in the Christian Right]

Regarding United States History for Christian Schools, a textbook by BoJo Press:

"No mention is made of any Jewish contribution to U.S. history nor are any Jewish personalities in literature, sports or the arts mentioned. There is no reference to justices Frankfurter, Brandeis or Cardozo. The only Jews mentioned are Karl Marx, who is called 'an atheistic German Jew,'  and Sigmund Freud." [Ibid.]


In 1999, the U.S. Army recognized Wicca as an accepted religious practice on its installations. According to The Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life:

"Ninety-six-year-old South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond, responding to an alert from President Bob Jones III of Bob Jones University, summoned Pentagon officials to his office June 16 to lodge a protest, Charleston Post and Courier Washington correspondent Steve Piacente reported. In a follow-up letter to Undersecretary of Defense Rudy de Leon, Thurmond threatened to introduce legislation to halt a situation he believed would be 'devastating to the future of the military.'"

An article posted at New York University concerning the Army-Wicca brouhaha goes farther:

"These congressmen [Strom Thurmond and Bob Barr], backed by such organizations as the Christian Coalition, Traditional Values Coalition, American Family Association, Free Congress Foundation and Rev. Bob Jones III, president of Bob Jones University in Greenville, S .C. (possible [sic] best known from trying to refuse admittance to African Americans) have irresponsibly characterized those exercising their religious beliefs as engaging in witchcraft or Satan-worship."



The Army Chaplain's handbook, as per the NYU article, states:

"It is very important to be aware that Wiccans do not in any way worship or believe in 'Satan,' 'the Devil,' or any similar entities. They point out that 'Satan' is a symbol of rebellion against and inversion of the Christian and Jewish traditions. Wiccans do not revile the Bible. They simply regard it as one among many of the world's mythic systems, less applicable than some to their core values, but still deserving just as much respect as any of the others."

Here's a true story of typical BoJo hysteria in action:  A Wiccan "high priest" was employed at a Greenville, S.C. psychiatric hospital as a mental health aide. One of this man's relatives, also employed at the hospital, revealed to a patient that the aide was involved in the neo-pagan religion.  The patient in turn asked a visiting BoJo student minister what "Wicca" is.  Result: "The minister told the patient that it was devil worship, causing an uproar with several patients. Before he knew what hit him, the mental health aide was fired and is now embroiled in a lengthy EEOC case. [Story was posted here, but it's now a dead link.]

See also:


"Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider the capacity for it terrifying."  -- Kurt Vonnegut

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