January 10, 2005 Our Home in WebSpace Volume 1 Number 1

Some stuff just didn't have a home.

On the Commodore 64
How could you possibly put so many memories into just 64 KB of RAM? The Commodore 64 launched many a computer science career--including mine. Too bad our children won't know the joys of REAL computing...
ACQUION: I Was There...
We didn't make millions off our stock options, but we still had fun!
Paintball Newbie
After years of putting it off, I finally take up the opportunity to run around in the woods with loaded weapons and shoot at other people. And it was fun!
You might be a Hoosier if...
Supposedly, Jeff Foxworthy had a few things to say about Indiana. I reckon it might be a Foxworthy wannabe, but at any rate...