January 10, 2005 Our Home in WebSpace Volume 1 Number 1

Welcome to TroyAndJessica.com

Welcome to TroyAndJessica.com, our little corner of the web.

 A sunset in the snow of Wheatfield, Indiana.

By Troy Thompson- Personal photo collection.

A December sunset in Wheatfield, Indiana.

Tech News

New Site, New Look, New Stuff
What took me so long?
Well, it's about time someone did something with this website. I mean, grief, it's been like forever...
Microsoft Allegiance: The Best Game You've Never Played
Proof that even Microsoft can have difficulty marketing a great game.
Microsoft Allegiance is a neat blend of real-time strategy and good old fashioned spaceship smashing; and yet it's far, far deeper than that.

Deep Thoughts

C.S. Lewis : The Problem of Pain
I can't stand pain: it hurts me! But its existence proves Something Else exists, too
In his book, The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis posits that the existance of anything else in the universe besides yourself introduces the possibility that something Bad might happen.

Points of Interest

Bob Jones University Administration Changes
President moves to chancellorship, V.P. to retire
The president, executive vice-president, and provost of Bob Jones University are retiring.