January 10, 2005 Our Home in WebSpace Volume 1 Number 1

BJU Archived Material


The materials contained on this page are not often updated. There are references to rules that no longer exist, people who no longer exist, and aspects of Bob Jones University which have since faded into memory.

With that said, I submit for your review....

Bob Jones University: An Alumnus' View

Note: The material contained on this web site has not been reviewed, edited, or created by any official representative of Bob Jones University. This material gives the opinions of a graduate of BJU and are not necessarily those of the University.

I suppose if there's any school more loved--or hated--it's Bob Jones University (the official school web site is at http://www.bju.edu).

As a graduate of the class of 1993, I'd like to inform future students of BJU of what to expect if they take the plunge--and give any current students reading this a few pointers.

I don't have a grudge against the school, and neither am I affiliated directly with it. But with all the bizarre things I've heard, said and read, I thought there ought to be a balanced response.

Why Am I Writing This?

Like many things in life, BJU comes with instructions. It's called the Student Handbook, and getting your hands on one before becoming a student is somewhat of a feat in itself. Even more prized are the Dormitory Handbooks, which detail a major part of the social regulations unique to the guys (or gals) dormitories. The handbooks are required reading--literally--for all students. However, ask for one when you correspond with BJU for application materials, and you'll be politely refused.

I'd like to dispel fears that there might be some terrible thing BJU's hiding when it decides to not reveal the guts of its handbook. Hence, this webified crash course to the BJU dorm student life.

And besides, if I were researching BJU on the Internet, I'd want to see something from someone who's been there. You've found it.

Does BJU Know About This Website?

Yes, if you consider e-mailing the BJU webmaster a few questions as "knowing about." Does BJU care about this website? They probably don't mind either way. There are far worse things on the web about BJU.

I've not been paid, threatened, advised, condemned, black-listed or anything-thing-else'd by BJU about this website. (Well, rumor has it that the web content filter at the BJU dorms rejects this site...) I graduated from BJU and want to tell you my views on it.

What's with the Advertisements?

Bandwidth isn't free. You may ignore the ads if you like, or click 'em if you want to contribute. Welcome to capitalism.

Bob Jones University Administration Changes
The president, executive vice-president, and provost of Bob Jones University are retiring.
Urban Legends about Bob Jones Unversity
As high-profile as Bob Jones University tends to be around fundamentalist Christian circles, you are bound to hear some rather odd things about the school. Most BJU legends have tenuous leads to reality; some are obviously the workings of an over-imaginative anti-BJU mind.
Bob Jones University Lingo
Every school has its neat little phrases, terms, and sayings. BJU is no exception. Here is a list of the classics.
BJU Dorm Life
A quick overview and survival guide to dorm life at Bob Jones University.
BJU and the KJV
From the Bob Jones University web site: "a letter sent by Dr. Bob Jones III to pastors regarding the recent accusations questioning BJU's stand on scriptural integrity."
BJU Dorm Life, for the Ladies
If you're graduating from a typical Baptist Christian high school, you probably won't have much trouble adjusting to BJ's standards.
BJU Dorm Life, for the Men
Hindsight, they say, is 20/20. Here is what I wish I would have known before loading up the minivan to head down to BJU.
BJU Food Tips
Ramen noodles rule...
BJU Marriages
Even under the "bubble" of Bob Jones University, you need to date with your eyes open and your hormones at bay.
BJU Social Life
Remember when public displays of affection were social taboo? BJU does.
BJU Social Life Q&A
Troy fields answers from web site visitors... and makes up a few questions of his own...
Bob Jones University and Race
Many people claim the dating rules at Bob Jones University are--or rather were--racially discriminatory. Regardless, the rules changed with the times, and changed for the better.
Bob Jones University and Racism
Bob Jones University - The Accidental Exodus
During a past BJU Artist Series program, a faulty fuse caused the fire alarm system to malfunction, requiring the evacuation of the Founder's Memorial Amphitorium. Contrary to several rumors certain to have already spread, there was never a fire, and the fire department did not make an appearance.
Comments on BJU
You send in your comments to bjuqa @ troyandjessica.com, and it might show up here.
Is BJU For You?
Bob Jones University is a conservative Christian university with a traditional viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint is not very popular in current society. It's not for everyone.
How To Do Your Laundry
A tongue-in-cheek look at the best time of day to do your laundry.